A634.6.3.RB - What are Virtues


Select three of Franklin's virtues and reflect upon them in your blog. Ask yourself, how can I include them in my daily life?

            The results of my PBS (2002) virtue quiz are that "You made some very virtuous choices. You chose the answers that closely reflected Ben's own self-improvement plan. Although Franklin gave up on his formal effort to be more virtuous, he devoted much of his life to self-improvement. You've made a good start on that yourself." I'm not really sold from the results of this quiz because I don't feel as though I follow them as extreme as the quiz questions behold. I could sway either way on a few of the questions and probably operate in the grays with most. I definitely try to find good in all of my actions and try even harder too overtly do no wrong, but I also believe that life needs to be enjoyed from time to time: I think that's what gives us our sanity. The straight edge life is great on paper but hard to sustain.

The areas the quiz identified that I need work are on are as follows:

As a young man, Ben tried not to drink too much. Maybe you should consider being the designated driver next time you go out partying. I definitely limit my exposure to "party" but when it's time to party, unfortunately Frank the tank tends to show up... I think everyone needs to let loose for their sanity's sake and for me I definitely know how to let it go. At a younger age I was actually more self aware of my behaviors because I cared way too much about fitting in and how others viewed me. Nowadays, definitely don't care as much and can letter rip tater chip!

Ben enjoyed a good meal with the best of them, but believed that extremes could be harmful. Maybe you should eat and drink a little less next Thanksgiving. When it comes to 99% of things in my life I very much embody moderation, but when it's time to party and feast for the holidays, I tend to give it a full send! I love to eat the holiday food and reserve my gluttony to only a few special occasions.

Sincerity: This virtue wasn't in my list of areas I need to improve but think that this virtue is the door for all virtues to follow. If you aren't sincere with your interactions and come across as being superficial, then most likely all subsequent actions will probably be seen as being disingenuous. I think that you can also see a piece of this virtue in just about every other one and it sort-of keeps all others honest.

            This was definitely a cool assessment even though pretty superficial, but rather a great way to self reflect and speak about your personal demons inside. I think all too often folks aren't either self-aware enough or willing to share their demons and harboring those feelings don't allow others to find similarities. We all like to "think" we are good people but could greatly benefit from some introspective criticism. We need to be very good version of our potential in order to influence others to find theirs.


LaFollette, H. (2007).  The Practice of Ethics.  Malden, MA: Blackwell.

PBS. (2002). Virtue quiz. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/benfranklin/exp_virtue_results.html?a=234444441444


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